Chicagoland District 30 Toastmasters

History of District 30

The state of Illinois was the place where the Toastmasters concept originated.  Not only was it the home of our founder, Ralph Smedley, it was also the home of the very first Toastmasters Club.

As Educational Director of the Bloomington YMCA, Dr. Ralph Smedley recognized that the young men in his community needed to learn how to talk, to conduct meetings, to plan programs, and how to work on committees.  To meet this need, he devised the idea of a social club.  The clubs would meet weekly with programs devoted to practice in short speeches, debates, and some work in chairmanship.  Thus was born the very first Toastmasters Club in Bloomington, Illinois on March 24, 1905.

In 1906, Dr. Smedley was transferred to the Freeport YMCA.  At the time the idea of adult education was beginning to gain recognition, and it was just one year later that he organized the first Toastmasters Club for adult men in the city of Freeport.  Shortly thereafter, he was transferred to Rock Island and a third club was organized there.

Unfortunately, however, his successors did not share his enthusiasm for the Toastmasters program and all three clubs died shortly after their founder has moved on.  The idea, however, did not die but was put on the back burner for a short while.  In 1922, Dr. Smedley was again transferred, this time to Santa Ana, California.  It was here, in 1924, that what is now known as “Founder’s Club” was organized — the “official” beginning of our great organization.

Some 12 years after the founding of Toastmasters, the first Toastmasters Club East of the Mississippi received its charter in March 1936.  That was the Lincoln-Douglas Club #51 of Springfield, Illinois.  At that time all of Illinois and the eastern half of the state of Missouri were known as District 8.  Nearly two years later, the first club located in what is now known as “Chicagoland District 30” received its charter as Central Club #96.

Central Club #96 enjoyed a long life for over 40 years before finally succumbing to membership problems.  The second oldest club chartered in Chicagoland District 30 was Club #169.  Chartered in June of 1940, the Wilson Ave. Club #169 was the home for many men whose names are well known as leaders among Toastmasters.  Over the years, it name and meeting location have changed a couple of times, but the same club #169 is still going strong and was known as Kemper-Countryside Club #169 until the 1980’s when the name changed to the current Long Grove/Lake Zurich Club.

For quite a few years, District 8 chose its officers alternately from the Chicago and St. Louis metropolitan areas.  Then, in 1949, Russell V. Puzey of the Wilson Ave. Club was elected Governor of District 8.  Russ was a man of great vision and plans.  It was he who dared to initiate the expansion of the District hierarchy to include two Lieutenant Governors which was hitherto unknown in Toastmasters International.  Emmit Holmes of Chicago was one of the first Lieutenant Governors; Bill Buekema of St. Louis was the other.

Russ and Emmit worked on a plan for establishing a new District in Illinois, bounded on the south by an east-west line across the state just below Danville in Vermilion County and extending westward just north of Decatur, Springfield, and Quincy, but including Champaign and Urbana.  In 1950 their efforts were rewarded and District 30 was “born” – not the District 30 that we know today, but one which covered the entire northern half of the state of Illinois.  Emmit Holmes was elected as our first District Governor.

Both Russ Puzey and Emmit Holmes went on to serve on the International Board of Directors in later years.  Russ was elected International President at the Denver Convention in 1953.

The first District 30 Spring Conference was held just prior to our first birthday.  At that time there were just 25 clubs in the district and two more were about to receive their charters.  Both Russ and Emmit were true believers in Dr. Smedley’s “movement”, and it was no doubt their influence of the evangelistic philosophy that District 30 grew from 25 clubs in 1951 to 75 clubs in 1956.

Almost two thirds of those 75 clubs were located in the four counties of Cook, Lake, McHenry, and DuPage.  A member from Danville, Peoria, and Galesburg has long distances to travel in order to attend District 30 meetings – which almost always were held in Cook County.  But… they came!

Conscious of the hardship, District Governor, John Franczak and Lt. Governor, Bob Foley decided, in 1956, to do something to alleviate this problem.  Lt. Governor Foley began a series of visits, over a period of seven months, to the outlying clubs in District 30 – those clubs outside of the four-county metropolitan area. Twenty-seven clubs were persuaded to petition the formation of a new district.  At the 1956 International Convention in Detroit, the Board of Directors voted favorably and District 54 was formed.

District 30 retained the four county area of Cook, Lake, McHenry and DuPage while the balance of what used to be District 30 (the northern half of Illinois) was transferred to the new District 54.  Bob Foley was elected as the first District Governor of District 54 (and later became District Governor of District 30 in 1960-61).  The first District Governor of Chicagoland District 30 was George Van Zevern.

Since our beginning in 1950 Chicagoland District 30 we had grown from 25 clubs to 248 club (with over 5000 members) in April 2015.  At that time World Headquarters convened a Reformation Committee headed by Joan K. Moore to consider options for giving birth to a new district.  The result of that effort was the formation of District 103 from the 111 clubs in Cook County south of North Avenue taking affect in June 2017.  The 137 other clubs in Cook County north of North Avenue, DuPage, Lake and McHenry Counties make up the new District 30 (retaining the oldest club in the district Long Grove/Lake Zurich Club #169).

District 30 has hosted the annual International Convention four times (1952, 1972, 1987, and 1999).  The 2018 International Convention was hosted in the new District 103.  

Chicagoland District 30 has had many fine leaders and success stories – all too numerous to mention here.  As of 2024, five clubs that have roots that go back to prior to the formation of District 30 in 1950 still meet.  In addition, there are another 10 clubs that have met regularly since District 54 was spun off in 1956.  Of the 137 clubs from the 2017 reformation 78 are still actively meeting in 2024, despite the 2020 Pandemic drastic affect on Toastmasters Club worldwide.  As we approach the 100th Anniversary of Toastmasters International and 75th Anniversary of District 30 we salute our leaders of the past.  Our success can only be attributed to the great leaders of Chicagoland District 30 whose terms are listed below.


July1948Russell Puzey and members of Club #169 had started 13 new clubs in Chicago during 10-year span
June1950Ralph Smedley personally presented the charter to Uptown Club 830 at the Wilson Ave. YMCA
August1950Russell Puzey (Club #169) elected Inernational Director
May1951Annual Conference – May 5, 1991 at Wilson Avenue YMCA
August1952Hosted 21st International Convention
August1953John Franczak (Club #432) elected International Director
August1953Russell Puzey (Club #169) elected President of Toastmasters International
August1956District 30 splits and forms District 30 and 54
August1958Emmett Holmes (Club #169 ) elected International Director
August1959John Franczak (Club # 432) elected International Director
August1961William Gobel (Club # 830) elected International Director
August1962Howard Flanigan (Club # 96) elected International Director
June1964Hosted Regional Conference
July1964Spotlight Introduced
August1964Minimum Age reduced from 21 to 18 (driven by military clubs)
August1965Dan Kelley (Club #381) – Winner of Region V Contest – to International Convention
December1966Youth Leadership Registered
May1967Area Governor of the Year Award Established
May1967Top Club Award
December1968Park Ridge Club #381 conducts Youth Leadership Program
August1969Ray Eldridge (Club #1029) elected International Director
September1969Magikist Sign on Kennedy Expressway at Montrose flashed 1680 times to “Join Your Local TM Club”
November1969Humorous Speech Contest Winner
October1970Park Ridge Club #381 honored with Presidents ’40’ Club Award
April1971Hawthorne Club #2576 Corporate Club to Use Speechcraft gains 18 members
May1972Floyd Kalber 1st C&L Recipient
August1972Hosted 41th International Convention
November1972Ann Breland (Club #169) and Nancy Owen (Club #1840) first elected women officers
August1973Rank <6 in World – Ken Bjorkquist District Governor
August1975Dick Storer (Club #381) elected International Director
June1976Hosted Regional Conference
July1976Nath Nayak (Club #3559) DTM Award
August1976Rank #1 in World – Nath Nayak District Governor
November1976Evaluation Contest Winner
August1977J. K. Nath Nayak (Club #3559) elected International Director
August1977Sears Silvertones Club #3559 winner of top 10 club bulletin award
August1977Barney Kingston (Club #371) honored with Presidential Citation
August1977Lou Kiriazis (Club #3559) honored with Presidential Citation
August1977Bernie Wilson (Club #2610) honored with Presidential Citation
May1981Dramatic Reading Contest Winner
May1981Sherry Sala-White (Club #665) – 1st Women D30 Governor elected
August1981Lou Kiriazis (Club #3559) elected International Director
August1981Dick Storer (Club #381) honored with Presidential Citation
August1981Brunswick Club #3561 winner of top 10 club bulletin award
June1982Hosted Regional Conference
August1982Manny Hermano (Club #4868) Winner of Region V Contest – to International Convention
August1982Rank #6 in World – Sherry Sala, District Governor
May1983Division Governor of the Year Winner
June1983Jim Degerstrom (Club #1608) introduced the “Off the Cuff” (Table Topics) Contest
June1983Crain Chicago Business Article
August1984Rank #9 in World – Datta Manerikar, District Governor
August1984Datta Manerikar (Club #1717) honored with President’s Circle Award
August1984Joe O’Rourke (Club #4347) becomes TI’s 13th Accredited Speaker
December1984Communication Skills Institute (District Sponsored Speechcraft)
August1985Datta Manerikar (Club #1717) honored with President’s Circle Award
August1986Carl Miller (Club #2689) elected International Director
August1986Datta Manerikar (Club #1717) honored with President’s Sponsor Award
August1987Hosted 56th International Convention
August1987J.K. Nath Nayak (Club #3559) honored with Presidential Citation
January1988Toastmasters University – (Toastmasters Leadership Institute)
August1988Joe O’Rourke (Club #4347) Winner of Region V Contest – to International Convention
June1989Hosted Regional Conference
August1989Linda Braggs (Club #6667) Winner of Region V Contest – to International Convention
August1990Bob Happel (Club #2745) honored with President’s Circle Award
August1990Bill Haas (Club #3848) Spotlight Editor honored with Top Ten District Bulletin Award
August1990Bob Happel (Club #2745) honored with President’s Circle Award
August1991Rank #1 in World – Marc Nagele, District Governor
August1991Datta Manerikar (Club #1717) honored with Presidential Citation
August1991Marc Nagele (Club #4789) honored with President’s Extension Award and President’s Circle Award
August1993Paul Denney (Club #5457) Winner of Region V Contest – to International Convention
August1994Rank #7 in World – Michaline Jekot, District Governor
June1995Hosted Regional Conference
August1996Toni Rodgers (Club #4378) honored with Presidential Citation
August1998Sporty King (Club #983) Winner of Region V Contest – to International Convention
September1998ToastofChicago Web Site Awards, Eric Matto (Club #3241) Webmaster
August1999Hosted 75th International Convention
August1999Hugh Dunbar (Club #2051) honored with Presidential Citation
May2000Table Topics Contest adopted to replace Dramatic Reading Contest
February2001District 30 Directory published and distributed electronically
June2003Hosted Regional Conference
August2003Rank #3 in World #1 in USA – Earl Bateman, District Governor
August2006Dietmar Wagenknect (Club #5892) elected International Director
August2006Ed Hearn (Club #708973) World Champion of Public Speaking
November2006District Members “Master of Ceremony” at Chicago’s Thanksgiving Parade
August2008Michael Raffety (Club #3012) elected International Director
August2009Rank #13 in World, Pat Martin, District Governor
August2011Rank #7 in World, Kyle Roti, District Governor
August2012Dietmar Wagenknect (Club #5892) honored with Presidential Citation
January2013Discontinued Yahoo Group, Started using Constant Contact for member notices
August2013Pres Vasilev (Club #595201) World Champion of Public Speaking
August2014Rudy Segovia (Club #2860) on Stage at WCPS for D54
August2015Eric Feinendegen (Club #652972) on Stage at World Champion of Public Speaking
January2016Joan Moore (Club #3288) Appointed Region V Ambassador
August2016Michelle Kabale (Club #169) Appointed Region V Advisor
July2017Birth of a new district D103
April2018Three Day Spring Conference
August2018D103 Hosted 94th International Convention
August2018Eric Feinendegen (Club #652972) on Stage at World Champion of Public Speaking
March2020All levels of contests and all level of meeting – switch to virtual meetings due to coronavirus pandemic within 16 hours
May2021Virtual Program for Virtual Conference
Aug2021Tiffany Howard (Club #665) Appointed Region V Advisor
May2023In-Person / Hybrid Conference
June2023Ivory Gwin (Club #1348311) honored with Presidential Citation
June2024District 30 becomes Distinguished as a District. First time in 10 years
Aug2024Liz Hutson represents D30 on Stage at the WCPS

Toastmaster of the Year

Robert Oelrich Toastmaster of the Year Award

The District Toastmaster of the Year award is given to a Toastmaster who has made exceptional contributions to the success of their district.

The award recognizes a member’s dedication, enthusiasm, district service, and consistent activities toward serving fellow members in an unselfish way.

A person who empowers others to reach their goals and success.

2023Srinivas Saineni1520707Toastmasters on Purpose
2022Barbara Beckley4748018Midwest Speaking Professionals
2021Eric Jahn6244Talk of Lincolnshires
2020Donoley Williams953PESO
2019Larry New6027Oak Brook Speakers
2018Liz Sachnoff8691Look Who’s Talking
2017Pat Martin916266Hispano Americana
2016Joan K. Moore3288Two-One-Nine
2015Brent Anderson8623UOP
2014Ellen Schner169Long Grove/Lake Zurich
2013Ivory Gwin1526AT&T Chicagoland
2012Jerry Evans1500Mt. Prospect
2011Dinah Banks9084Hines Verbal Aces
2011Dave Burrage5677Toastmasters Plus
2010Jerry Evans1500Mt. Prospect
2009Ivory Gwin1526AT&T Chicagoland
2008Stella Lorens6027Oak Brook Speakers
2007Toni Rodger953192Chicago Speakeasy
2006Charles Brooks5534South Suburban
2005Will Hsiung1087Arlington Heights
2004Carolyn Arthur666595Christ Univeral Temple #3
2003Ralph E. Dellar1645Des Plaines
2002Mei Li6840Fox Valley
2001Dietmar Wagenknecht5892Polyglots
2000Grace Rinner2051Naperville
1999R. Sporty King983Woodridge
1998Toni Rodger4378Diplomatic
1997Cordelia V. Barlow8892Chicago Post Office
1996Geroge Lindsey4378Diplomatic
1995Nancy Nagele983Woodridge
1994Marc Nagele4789Power Breakfast
1993Tom Brennan1450Pride of the Fox
1992Keith Essex3848Strowger
1991Hugh Dunbard2051Naperville
1990Stan Piskorski2069Irving Park
1989Delores Elliot5762Spirit of Progress
1988Linda Braggs2766Johnson Products
1987Allan Meyer2530Windjammers East
1986Paula Lepold381Park Ridge
1985Betty Luback1717Park Forest
1984Robert Happel2745Ellsworth Park
1983Alyda Miller4041Talk of the Town
1982Henry Sharton4243Lakeview
1981Ann Breland169Long Grove
1980Datta Manerikar1717Park Forest
1979Sam Itkin1608Leaning Tower
1978Bernie Wilson3307Palatine
1977Robert Oelrich2069Irving Park
1976Carl Peterson3848Strowger
1975Joshua Pang290Cook/DuPage
1974Dick Storer381Park Ridge
1973Ralph Byrne1503Jaycees
1972Bill Sanseverinino1450Powers Regulators
1971Lou Kiriazis2414Skokie Spokesman
1970Stu Goodwin1500Mt. Prospect
1969Bob Lanz1087Arlington Heights
1668Barry Crawley1056Downers Grove

Division Director of the Year

2024Barbara Laane5892Polyglots Club
2023Awanee Pandey2860Northwest Suburban Toastmasters
2022Ambapali Pal1526AT&T Chicagoland
2021Satish Tripathi6799167MSI Communicators
2020Christine Crow1605Daniel Wright
2019Patti Anderson2604436Peak Speak
2018Jerry Phillips2447Baxter Labs
2017Member of D103Member of D103Member of D103
2016LaShanda Milton953192Chicago Speakeasy
2015Barbara Beckley1180931AON Reaching for the Stars
2014Lydia Sawyer9949Relatively Speaking
2013Ethel Goatee1531643Club Toast of UL
2012Jane Sanjinez1856Figures of Speech
2011Michelle Kabele169Long Grove / Lake Zurich
2010Joan Moore3288Two-One-Nine
2009Karen Johnson983Woodridge
2008Jason Akai6027Oak Brook Speakers
2007Kyle Roti1526AT&T Chicagoland
2006Rhonda Craven4378Diplomatics
2005Pam Melick9048Secret To Success
2004Patricia Martin9084Hines Verbal Aces
2003Carole E. Schwartz3855Allstate Speakeazies
2002Bruce Burrow2724Crystal Lake
2001Derrick Kimbrought4501EPA
2000William Hahn6244Talk Of Lincolnshire
1999Alice Morrissey4975One-O-Five
1998Brenda Pargulski4118Prudential Plaza
1997Bill Jenkins983Woodridge
1996Alvin Joyner7079South Loop Speak Freaks
1995Imogene Montgomery2709Ultra
1994Bill Wendt9464Chautauqua
1993Toni F. Rodgers4378Diplomatics
1992Tom Brennan1450Pride of the Fox
1991Ann Campbell156DuPage Valley
1990Jackie Cohen5283Windy City
1989Bettye Stanford5762Spirit of Progress
1988Hugh Dunbar2051Naperville
1987Judy Herlt1654McGaw Park
1986Dorothy Browning2194Knowledge Speakers
1985Robert Roman381Park Ridge
1984James Degerstrom1608Skokie

Area Director of the Year

2024Cheryl Duda3895XL Toastmasters
2023Helene Albert4243Lakeview Toastmasters
2022Awanee Pandey2860Northwest Suburban
2021Ambapali Pal1526AT&T Chicagoland
2020Piyush Neekhra1087Arlington Heights
2019Janine Riggets-Byrne1345144Harper College
2018Tyler Vivian681947Lightly Toasted
2017Kathleen Donahue2604436Peak Speak
2016Anneice Anderson3288Two-One-Nine
2015Andrea Skillman8691Look Who’s Talking
2014Rene Staple953192Chicago Speakeasy
2013LaShonda Milton953192Chicago Speakeasy
2012Cleo Scott1478379The Toast of UL
2011Jerry Evans1500Mt. Prospect
2010Theodore Travis3288Two-One-Nine
2009DeLois Lacey9584Successfully Speaking
2008Cynthia Mayfield676292Plaza
2007Cynthia Leggett4761Bankers Voice
2006Emil Stempel6244Talk Of Lincolnshire
2005Tien Van Bui1605Daniel Wright
2004Michael Gougis709Allstate Smooth Talkers
2003Mike Raffety3012TradeMasters
2002Jill Stanger983Woodridge
2001Carolyn Arthur128Argonne
2000Derrick Kimbrough4501EPA
1999Eric Matto3241Schaumburg Area
1998Alice Morrissey4975One-O-Five
1997Barbara Hunt9084Hines Verbal Aces
1996Mark Heineke614Oak Park
1995Walter Thurman8206Saturday Sunrise
1994Ross Alexander1743Town Criers
1993Alvin Joyner7079South Loop Speak Freaks
1992Rose Marie Miller265Community Christian West
1991Comella Smith2709Ultra
1990Robert Olson2745Ellsworth Park
1989Mariliyn Craig5648Cotter & Co.
1988Victor Taylor3951Oak Brook
1987Marjorie Jaski1608Skokie
1986Bonnie Mudd3203Riverside
1985Mike Meshii4868Deerbrook Park
1984Robert Roman381Park Ridge
1983Jerry Boehm3766Quaker Oats
1982James Degerstrom1608Skokie
1981George Hamper2819Loop
1980Bobbie Gish2683O’Hare Plaza
1979Carl Miller2679Abbott Labs
1978Mike Smith2679Abbott Labs
1977Datta Manerikar1717Park Forest
1976Ann Breland169Long Grove
1975Neil Rowe1500Mt. Prospect
1974Al Wilkus1717Park Forest
1973J.K. Nath Nayak3559Sears Silvertones
1972Don Skinner2714Crystal Lake
1971Sam Itkin1608Leaning Tower
1970Ken Bjorkquist1645Des Plaines
1969Dick Storer381Park Ridge
1968Walt Martston1769IMC
1967Bruce Harper612North Suburban

Toastmasters International Citations

The Toastmasters International Presidential Citation is an award given to members who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and service to the organization. The International President selects the recipients at the Toastmasters International Convention each year.

2023Ivory Gwin
2012Dietmar Wagenknecht
1999Hugh Dunbar
1991Datta Mamerikar
1987J.K. Nath Nayak
1981Dick Storer
1979Bernie Wilson
1978Lou Kiriazis
1977Barney Kingston

DTM Award Recipients

For many members, achieving the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award is a highlight of their Toastmasters journey. The award represents the organization’s highest level of educational achievement and was first awarded 51 years ago, in March 1970.

DTM requirements include completing two paths in Pathways, serve as a club leader for at least a year, serve as a club mentor or coach; serve as a club sponsor or conduct a Speechcraft or Youth Leadership program, serve as a District leader for a year; and complete a DTM project.


NameClub #Club NameAdmin
Christine Crow8691Look Who’s Talking2024/2025
Virginia Ryan Bosserman1520707Toastmasters on Purpose2024/2025
Syed Azeem28676859MEC2024/2025
Donoley Williams156DuPage Valley2023/2024
Nandini Kurup169Long Grove / Lake Zurich2023/2024
Valerie Fuson169Long Grove / Lake Zurich2023/2024
Ambapali Pal1526AT&T Chicagoland2023/2024
Ankur Sharma1526AT&T Chicagoland2023/2024
Sean P. Siegel5677Good Morning Toastmasters2022/2023
Joan Emery665Niles Township2020/2021
Diane Bolash1500Mt. Prospect2020/2021
Benjamin M. Sanders1605Daniel Wright2020/2021
Michelle Kim1743Town Criers2020/2021
Sarah Bryant2860Northwest Suburban2020/2021
Eamping Grace Wu4868Deerbrook Park2020/2021
Electa A. Finley-Chonko6027Oak Brook Speakers2020/2021
767054 – name unavailable8623UOP2020/2021
Richard Gellersted8691Look Who’s Talking2020/2021
5331644 – name unavailable2255499PEACE!2020/2021
2782812 – name unavailable2674010Be Confident Be Strong2020/2021
Ayaz Niazi4040625ICN2020/2021
4636431 – name unavailable4392516ComEd Power Talkers2020/2021
David Chen6771693Sunday Speakers2020/2021
Satish Tripathi6799167MSI Communicators2020/2021
Michael j.Scampini7191446Yes And Toastmasters2020/2021
Bonniejean Alford7852743Toastmasters After Dark2020/2021
Shalini Dadlani156DuPage Valley2019/2020
Ellen Schnur169Long Grove/Lake Zurich2019/2020
Anthony Tarullo381Park Ridge2019/2020
Shirley Tracey612North Suburban2019/2020
Wilfred Frank Mejia953P.E.S.O.2019/2020
Glenn Reed1500Mt. Prospect2019/2020
Christine Crow1605Daniel Wright2019/2020
CJ Powers1743Town Criers2019/2020
2222472 – name unavailable1856Figures of Speech2019/2020
Catherine Anne Moore2051Naperville2019/2020
Joan Walton2724Crystal Lake2019/2020
Susan Rosenfield2724Crystal Lake2019/2020
Tony Scarcello2745Downers Grove2019/2020
579061 – name unavailable2745Downers Grove2019/2020
Tony Livernois2860Northwest Suburban2019/2020
01795005 – name unavailable3241Schaumburg Area2019/2020
3188803 – name unavailable3855Speakeazys2019/2020
01427887 – name unavailable3855Speakeazys2019/2020
Bill Amejka4243Lakeview2019/2020
Noel Ganey5004Nalco2019/2020
Georgette Van Daff5004Nalco2019/2020
Himani Sanagaram5577All American Speakers2019/2020
Michelle Halle Stern5988Northside2019/2020
Gary Ketterer7060Acxiomasters DG2019/2020
Debbie Friend7906Speakers of the House2019/2020
Sheri Wattles-Miller7906Speakers of the House2019/2020
Nandini Kurup8294Saturday Morning Workout2019/2020
Cathy Stroh8623UOP2019/2020
Scott Johnson8623UOP2019/2020
Mark Vincent Lebrun8623UOP2019/2020
Sue Chudasama8623UOP2019/2020
Elizabeth Sachnoff8691Look Who’s Talking2019/2020
Susan Karmas652972Lake County2019/2020
Diane Strzelecki909922Crystal Clear2019/2020
Michael Royster916266Hispano-Americano2019/2020
Julia Calderon916266Hispano-Americano2019/2020
Harsh Kumar1291391Lake Forest2019/2020
Janine Ricketts-Bryne1345144Harper College2019/2020
Calvin Gibbs1348311Beyond The Cs2019/2020
Lamont Boyd1348311Beyond The Cs2019/2020
Virginia Ryan Bosserman1478379The Toast of UL2019/2020
Mary Mattran1520707Toastmasters on Purpose2019/2020
Valerie Fuson1520707Toastmasters on Purpose2019/2020
Timothy Bolger1520707Toastmasters on Purpose2019/2020
Steve Lyons1817935ORC Orators2019/2020
Krista Lebrun1861331Francophone Bilingual2019/2020
Stephanie Kowalyk1861331Francophone Bilingual2019/2020
Bill Hicks2207975Career Communicators2019/2020
Beth Reed2207975Career Communicators2019/2020
John L. Labbe2207975Career Communicators2019/2020
Karol Sole2255499PEACE!2019/2020
Mahfooz Khan4040625ICN2019/2020
Robert McGraw4701362S&C2019/2020
Richard Wescott5342496Cummins2019/2020
Brooke Thesen6760622FMB Momentum Masters2019/2020
04201611 – name unavailable6771693Sunday Speakers2019/2020
Theresa Puskar7005030Stage Craft2019/2020
Noel Ganey7191446Yes And Toastmasters2019/2020
Noel Ganay7191446Yes And Toastmasters2019/2020
Garrett Gray7191446Yes And Toastmasters2019/2020
Nag Sayala7255023CVS Caremark Toastmasters2019/2020
Joanna Keska169Long Grove / Lake Zurich2018/2019
Himani Sanagaram665Niles Township2018/2019
Michael Malinowski983Woodridge2018/2019
Scott A. Fitzer1605Daniel Wright2018/2019
Jerry Phillips2447Baxter2018/2019
Arlene Clausell3307Palatine2018/2019
Alisa Williams5004Nalco2018/2019
Bilal Hussain5677Good Morning Toastmasters2018/2019
Sean P. Siegel5677Toastmasters Plus2018/2019
Mei Li6840Fox Valley2018/2019
Eric Feinendegen8691Look Who’s Talking2018/2019
Elizabeth Sachnoff8691Look Who’s Talking2018/2019
Ranjit Souri681947Lightly Toasted2018/2019
Dorothy Robin909922Crystal Clear2018/2019
Marc Laurent Maschino1861331Francophone Bilingual2018/2019
Patti Anderson2604436Peak Speakers2018/2019
Kathleen Donahue2604436Peak Speakers2018/2019
Ayaz Niazi4040625ICN2018/2019
Stella Lorens4705302Don’s TABLETOPics2018/2019
Barbara Beckley4748018Midwest Speaking Professionals2018/2019
Michael Scampini7191446Yes And Toastmasters2018/2019
Scot Turransky1604Addison & Elmhurst Area2017/2018
Laurie Harrington1743Town Criers2017/2018
Iqbal Ismail Atcha3634Masters of Opportunity2017/2018
Cindy M. Allen5004Nalco2017/2018
Kirsten Higashikawa5677Toastmasters Plus2017/2018
Sean P. Siegel5677Toastmasters Plus2017/2018
Larry G. New6027Oak Brook Speakers2017/2018
Robert O. Harrington6244Talk of Lincolnshire2017/2018
Glen Nielsen6244Talk of Lincolnshire2017/2018
Eric R. Jahn6244Talk of Lincolnshire2017/2018
Brent Anderson8623UOP2017/2018
Richa Singh652972Lake County2017/2018
Ansonia E. Gibbs1348311Beyond The Cs2017/2018
Ivan F. Ewert1478379The Toast of UL2017/2018
Kathryn Schnur1478379The Toast of UL2017/2018
Sveltana Gontcharenko2900788Kavi2017/2018
Andrew W. Soswa4564953The ARTiculate TM Club2017/2018
Michelle Renee Lansky4705302Don’s TABLETOPics2017/2018
Tiffany Howard4815935The Night Owls2017/2018
Margot B. Weinstein371Speakers Forum2016/2017
Joe McCarty614Oak Park2016/2017
Tiffany A. Selinko-Howard665Niles Township2016/2017
Murad S. Shah665Niles Township2016/2017
Marti Barton983Woodridge2016/2017
James Larmie1526AT&T Chicagoland2016/2017
Richard A. Ludwig1645Des Plaines2016/2017
Kyle A. Knapp2051Naperville2016/2017
Mike Vein2051Naperville2016/2017
Lawrence Fields2734Pathfinders2016/2017
Matt Rau4501EPA2016/2017
William H. Morrill5990Trustmasters Chicago2016/2017
Rowena Mason6799MJM Speakers’ Circle2016/2017
Beth Weinstein7906Speakers of the House2016/2017
Andrea K. Skillman8691Look Who’s Talking2016/2017
Andrea K. Skillman8691Look Who’s Talking2016/2017
William H. Morrill9584Successfully Speaking2016/2017
SheShe C. Imara667117Christ Universal Temple Club 22016/2017
Anthony L. Williams687683Maywood2016/2017
James David Traywick708973Bold Literary Talkers (BLT)2016/2017
Vicki Muteeat Lawai771880Wrightwood-Ashburn Overcomers (WAO)2016/2017
Dushun H. Mosley771880Wrightwood-Ashburn Overcomers (WAO)2016/2017
Lashonda K. Milton953192Chicago Speakeasy2016/2017
Casey N. Day1545038Blue Cross Blue Shield #12016/2017
Phillip D. Coolidge1567875Loop Trustmasters2016/2017
Wayne Taylor1610593GoGo2016/2017
J. Kevin Chapman2207975Career Communicators2016/2017
Kim Savage2255499PEACE!2016/2017
Valerie Fuson169Long Grove/Lake Zurich2015/2016
Daniel Mendelvitz612North Suburban2015/2016
Carrie Olivia Stahl983Woodridge2015/2016
Jerome F. Rowley1451Homewood/Flossmoor2015/2016
Gregg Thompson1526AT&T Chicagoland2015/2016
Frank J. Hesser1604Addison & Elmhurst Area2015/2016
Sharon Cruise1605Daniel Wright2015/2016
Deborah Ross-Corbett2679Abbott2015/2016
Mary Reed3731Talk Of The Town2015/2016
Michael D. Detzler6027Oak Brook Speakers2015/2016
Stella Lorens6027Oak Brook Speakers2015/2016
Ruth Johaningsmeir Princess7446People Into Public Speaking2015/2016
Mark A. Hendrickx7880TM of Lincoln Park2015/2016
Kristine Schultz8249PricewaterhouseCoopers2015/2016
Sue Chudasama8623UOP2015/2016
Diane Rose Bolash8691Look Who’s Talking2015/2016
Mabellean Taylor9084Hines Verbal Aces2015/2016
Towanna F. Jelks9084Hines Verbal Aces2015/2016
Frankie Amos589107Bellwood2015/2016
Carmencita Cass-Mckee765675Chicago South2015/2016
Dorothea M. Smith771880Wrightwood-Ashburn Overcomers (WAO)2015/2016
Jason Woods1180931Aon Reaching For the Stars2015/2016
Calvin Gibbs1348311Beyond The Cs2015/2016
Ethel Goatee1531643Club Toast at UL2015/2016
Rhonda D. Armstrong1817935ORC Orators2015/2016
Lynne A. Pearson-Brown21450481 LC Speakeasy2015/2016
Dennis Timko2207975Career Communicators2015/2016
Matthew Fox4748018Midwest Speaking Professionals2015/2016
Sherry Jost612North Suburban2014/2015
Nicole Cunnea665Niles Township2014/2015
Fely C. Bayona953P.E.S.O.2014/2015
Felton Louis Armand1451Homewood/Flossmoor2014/2015
Tiffany A. Selinko-Howard1500Mt. Prospect2014/2015
Stephen Liewellyn1605Daniel Wright2014/2015
Stephen G. Orr2051Naperville2014/2015
Sudarshan Narasimhachari2860Northwest Suburban2014/2015
Elizabeth Louise Stevenson3303Broadview2014/2015
Amy K. Atcha3634Masters of Opportunity2014/2015
Iqbal Ismail Atcha3634Masters of Opportunity2014/2015
Rose Schultz3634Masters of Opportunity2014/2015
Marlene C. Berger4117Platinum2014/2015
Iqbal Ismail Atcha5677Toastmasters Plus2014/2015
Robert Kleiner5988Northside2014/2015
Jeffrey Stein6149Unity2014/2015
Margaret O’Sullivan-Tomich6149Unity2014/2015
Helen T. McCullough7060Acxiomasters DG2014/2015
Carol Henry7446People Into Public Speaking2014/2015
Marilyn Smith8968BMO-Harris2014/2015
Amy Lee Segami595201Extreme2014/2015
Kenneth Brezinsky595201Extreme2014/2015
Maria Matarelli595201Extreme2014/2015
Peggy White666775Christ Universal Temple Club 12014/2015
Tiffany White666775Christ Universal Temple Club 12014/2015
April M. Williams909922Crystal Clear2014/2015
Gina A. Kotz1048321Cary Grove2014/2015
Brenda Lee1076383The Hilltop Speakers2014/2015
Tom Keefe1110019VW Credit2014/2015
Jim Bowen1152437CVS Caremark2014/2015
Barbara Beckley1180931Aon Reaching For the Stars2014/2015
Sonnica Eason1279802HHS2014/2015
Ethel Goatee1531643Club Toast at UL2014/2015
Jack Chalabian1560990CTA2014/2015
William Morrill1567875Loop Trustmasters2014/2015
Pam Nigro1752928Blue Cross Blue Shield #22014/2015
Theresa A. Banks1924297New Faith2014/2015
Molly Jeanelle Heyen3303269South Loop2014/2015
Shar Ann Gildersleeve128Argonne2013/2014
Michell Kabele169Long Grove / Lake Zurich2013/2014
Melissa Newport1451Homewood/Flossmoor2013/2014
Soundrea L. Hickman2194Knowledge Speakers2013/2014
Leah M. Geocaris2724Crystal Lake2013/2014
James J. Baum4501EPA2013/2014
Mone Petsod5283Windy City Pros2013/2014
John L. Labbe5677Toastmasters Plus2013/2014
Donoley Williams5990Trustmasters Chicago2013/2014
Paul A. Guagenti6027Oak Brook Speakers2013/2014
Robert O’Neill6027Oak Brook Speakers2013/2014
Donoley Williams6137Downtown Discourse2013/2014
Mandy Sha6137Downtown Discourse2013/2014
Stephanie Kurokawa6244Talk of Lincolnshire2013/2014
Anne F. Gueringer Johnson8961Look Who’s Talking2013/2014
Kesi Y. Reed8968BMO-Harris2013/2014
Charles Chatman9084Hines Verbal Aces2013/2014
Charles Watson765675Chicago South2013/2014
Lashonda K. Milton953192Chicago Speakeasy2013/2014
Elizabeth Sara Pittelkow1305801ArrowStream2013/2014
Linda Gaska1348311Beyond the Cs2013/2014
Virginia Ryan Bosserman1531643Club Toast at UL2013/2014
Peter Andrew Glon1933228View Masters At Metropolitan2013/2014
Levon Edwards1525610 Talks2012/2013
Severino Villanueva1604Addison & Elmhurst Area2012/2013
Robert O. Harrington1743Town Criers2012/2013
Doretha Banks3288Two-One-Nine2012/2013
Jessie Y. Lee4868Deerbrook Park2012/2013
Michael J. Grady4871Orland Park2012/2013
Laurie Harrington6244Talk of Lincolnshire2012/2013
Vanessa Glover6799MJM Speakers’ Circle2012/2013
Amy Patricia Simatos6840Fox Valley2012/2013
Josephine Fragale6971Metro Talk2012/2013
Marilyn Smith8968BMO-Harris2012/2013
Marlene C. Berger8968BMO-Harris2012/2013
Kenn A. Plebanek9188Union League2012/2013
Charlene D. Rhinehart9584Successfully Speaking2012/2013
Sateesh Chandrasekaran9723State Farm Endeavors2012/2013
Deborah A. Martin792952Kraft Food Northshore2012/2013
Ann Carroll Pechloff1180931Aon Reaching For the Stars2012/2013
Ava Toney-Snider1273065Speakers of the House2012/2013
Charles E. Pace1426397Plaza Babblers2012/2013
Ethel Goatee1531653Club Toast at UL2012/2013
Ivory Gwin1594170AT&T Chicago East2012/2013
Mone Petsod1752928Blue Cross Blue Shield #22012/2013
Cleo Scott2137437Westminster Place2012/2013
Michelle Kabele169Long Grove / Lake Zurich2011/2012
Valerie Fuson169Long Grove / Lake Zurich2011/2012
Jerry W. Evans1500Mt. Prospect2011/2012
Jane M. Sanjinez1856Figures of Speech2011/2012
Jeff Kressmann3307Palatine2011/2012
Susan L. Hartung5004Nalco2011/2012
Janice Fortman6799MJM Speakers’ Circle2011/2012
George H. Honig7767Sears2011/2012
Sheri Miller7906Speakers of the House2011/2012
Jeffrey W. Calvert8691Look Who’s Talking2011/2012
William Morrill771880Wrightwood-Auburn Overcomers2011/2012
Linda Eenigenburg1048321Cary Grove2011/2012
Donna J. Weston1097489Talk of the Glen2011/2012
Barry B. Mixon1251013Toast of Alqonquin2011/2012
Srinivas Rao Saineni1345144Harper College2011/2012
Mone Petsod1752928Blue Cross Blue Shield #22011/2012
Joanne Ralla Telser-Frere1861331Francophone Bilingual2011/2012
David H. Evans1526AT&T Chicagoland2010/2011
Elizabeth L. Stevenson1526AT&T Chicagoland2010/2011
Jennifer McAllister2724Crystal Lake2010/2011
Chris Blackshear2860Northwest Suburban2010/2011
Kyle Roti2860Northwest Suburban2010/2011
Theodore Travis3288Two-One-Nine2010/2011
Susan L. Daugherty6921Kickstarters2010/2011
Marcia L. White7974Riverwoods Talk of the Town2010/2011
Greg Vogt8033Videojet Classic2010/2011
Nafisa Husain8294Saturday Morning Workout2010/2011
Marilyn Smith8968BMO-Harris2010/2011
Jacqueline Luvert9692Red Hot2010/2011
Cynthia Leggett675703Next Step2010/2011
Elta Marquez751697Towers Watson2010/2011
Angela T. Moustis872531Oak Lawn2010/2011
Mathew P. Perrone1048321Cary Grove2010/2011
Olga V. Dempski1251013Toast of Alqonquin2010/2011
Marlene C. Berger1476353Speaking of Leaders2010/2011
Julia Hsin-Yen Chung1497528Wrigley2010/2011
Cynthia Berry Mayfield371Speakers Forum2009/2010
Jose C. Guerrero953P.E.S.O.2009/2010
Vidalito S. Lomahan953P.E.S.O.2009/2010
Wilburn Ligutam953P.E.S.O.2009/2010
Karen M. Johnson983Woodridge2009/2010
Ivory Gwin1526AT&T Chicagoland2009/2010
Pete B. Reyes1604Addison & Elmhurst Area2009/2010
Rajesh Nair3241Schaumburg Area2009/2010
Joan K. Moore3288Two-One-Nine2009/2010
Cynthia A. Eloby5534South Suburban2009/2010
Robert M. O’Neill6027Oak Brook Speakers2009/2010
Michelle L. Swanson6244Talk of Lincolnshire2009/2010
T. Marion Johnson6799MJM Speakers’ Circle2009/2010
DeLois Lacey9584Successfully Speaking2009/2010
Terry L. Haywood9692Red Hot2009/2010
Cassandra R. Lee771880Wrightwood-Auburn Overcomers2009/2010
Steve W. Scott909922Crystal Clear2009/2010
Pamela C. Cannamore1184177Kennedy-King College2009/2010
Elizabeth McGee1251013Toast of Alqonquin2009/2010
Jay D. Samstag371Speakers Forum2008/2009
Jason M. Akai3591FRB Chi-Masters2008/2009
Carmen Maso4501EPA2008/2009
Ronald Lorsch5534South Suburban2008/2009
Alan M. Lee5677Toastmasters Plus2008/2009
Sheldon Orkin6244Talk of Lincolnshire2008/2009
Bee Bee Maloney6799MJM Speakers’ Circle2008/2009
Frank Paink6799MJM Speakers’ Circle2008/2009
Keri K. Silk6921Kickstarters2008/2009
Shannon M. O’Hara371Speakers Forum2007/2008
Shar Ann Gildersleeve983Woodridge2007/2008
Conor J. Cunneen2051Naperville2007/2008
Paul P. Kronenberger4501EPA2007/2008
Stephen P. Cerve6244Talk of Lincolnshire2007/2008
Bruce Burrow6840Fox Valley2007/2008
Scott Mochinski7880Toastmasters of Lincoln Park2007/2008
Lillian Stacy Letton8294Saturday Morning Workout2007/2008
Lisa M. Rich595201Extreme2007/2008
Jean MacDonald652972Lake County2007/2008
Mike W. Halawa916266Hispano-Americano2007/2008
Betty Iwan128Argonne2006/2007
Emil Stempel169Long Grove/Lake Zurich2006/2007
William C. Hsiung1087Arlington Hts/Rolling Meadows2006/2007
Michael V. Raffety3012Trade Masters2006/2007
Jason M. Akai3591FRB Chi-Masters2006/2007
Steve Ackerman4868Deerbrook Park2006/2007
Stella Lorens6027Oak Brook Speakers2006/2007
Sharon Giles9584Successfully Speaking2006/2007
Ramamohan Gutta3634Masters of Opportunity2005/2006
Michael Gougis3731Talk of the Town2005/2006
Michael Gougis3731Talk of the Town2005/2006
Julia A. Aquirre6027Oak Brook Speakers2005/2006
Mathew P. Perrone6840Fox Valley2005/2006
Janet E. Butler7974Riverwoods Talk of the Town2005/2006
Rosa V. Raney7974Riverwoods Talk of the Town2005/2006
Tim Wilson595201Extreme2005/2006
Johnny L. Campbell983Woodridge2004/2005
Cordelia V. Barlow1525610 Talks2004/2005
Heidi J. Sandler4704Speechmakers2004/2005
Rose E. Mosley7353Batmasters2004/2005
Patricia Martin9084Hines Verbal Aces2004/2005
Carolyn A. Arthur128Argonne2003/2004
Bruce Burrow2724Crystal Lake2003/2004
Ethel L. Crisp4501EPA2003/2004
Jeffry P. Arthur2759Great Lakes – USMEPCOM2002/2003
Earl G. Bateman3241Schaumburg Area2002/2003
Charles H. Brooks5534South Suburban2002/2003
Shar Ann Gildersleeve6082Coaches Elite2002/2003
Dietmar M. Wagenknecht9048Secret to Success2002/2003
Samuel J. Russell665Niles Township2000/2001
Carole E. Schwartz3855Allstate Speakeazies2000/2001
William J. Mokrzycki3241Schaumburg Area1999/2000
Barb Ruehl7874Allied Van Lines1999/2000
Daniel L. Abraham1500Mt. Prospect1998/1999
Beth L. Steele1605Daniel Wright1998/1999
Satch Damaraju9310Essayons1998/1999
Betty Jo Lindsey4378Diplomatics1997/1998
R. Royal Wilkinson5988Northside Christians1997/1998
Alvin Joyner7079South Loop Speak Freaks1997/1998
Joanne M. Linzer9084Hines Verbal Aces1997/1998
William J. Kozel1605Daniel Wright1996/1997
James D. Sienzant371Speakers Forum1995/1996
Robert F. Happel1743Town Criers1995/1996
Imogene C. Montgomery2709Ultra1995/1996
Tony Brown9838Money Masters1995/1996
Toni F. Rodgers4378Diplomatics1994/1995
Barbara J. Baker2734Pathfinders1993/1994
Michaline J. Jekot3241Schaumburg Area1993/1994
Henry Good5892Polyglots1993/1994
Paula Lepold5892Polyglots1993/1994
Doris B. Powell9546Classic Orators1993/1994
Michael J. Burnham5283Windy City Pros1992/1993
William R. Jenkins1604Elmhurst1990/1991
Betty Krause1608Skokie1990/1991
Frank J. Guyer1743Town Criers1990/1991
Robert F. Happel1743Town Criers1990/1991
Robert F. Happel1743Town Criers1990/1991
Hugh J. Dunbar2051Naperville1990/1991
Linda L. Braggs2766Johnson Products1990/1991
Lois Jane Arrigo4868Deerbrook Park1990/1991
Marilyn R. Craig5648Cotter & Co.1990/1991
Bettye J. Stanford5762Spirit of Progress1990/1991
Nancy A. Nagele983Woodridge1989/1990
Datta N. Manerikar1451Homewood/Flossmoor1989/1990
Jacquelyn Cohen2051Naperville1989/1990
Michael J. Burnham926Toastmasters of Western1988/1989
Frank J. Guyer1743Town Criers1988/1989
Bernard S. Kamenear3241Schaumburg Area1988/1989
William E. Haas3848Strowger1988/1989
Marjorie E. Jaski1608Skokie1987/1988
Clarissa R. Green1743Town Criers1987/1988
Patricia T. Blanchard1837Alpine1987/1988
Keith E. Essex3848Strowger1987/1988
Joseph B. O’Shea1451Homewood/Flossmoor1986/1987
James M. Degerstrom1608Skokie1986/1987
Robert F. Happel2745Ellsworth Park1986/1987
Bonnie O. Mudd3203Riverside1986/1987
Michael Meshii4868Deerbrook Park1986/1987
Betty Luback5579Creative1986/1987
Robert F. Happel2745Ellsworth Park1985/1986
Roger Burtnette2745Ellsworth Park1985/1986
Timothy A. Wingert2745Ellsworth Park1985/1986
Robert E. Roman381Park Ridge1984/1985
Janet Stojack665Niles Township1984/1985
James M. Degerstrom1608Skokie1984/1985
Betty Luback1717Park Forest1984/1985
Datta N. Manerikar2709Ultra1984/1985
Frank J. Guyer2745Ellsworth Park1984/1985
James E. Knowles2745Ellsworth Park1984/1985
Robert J. Swanson1087Arlington Heights1983/1984
Datta N. Manerikar1717Park Forest1983/1984
Elaine W. Kaplow1837Alpine1983/1984
James W. McNitt1837Alpine1983/1984
Jerrold E. Patterson2745Ellsworth Park1983/1984
Robert F. Happle2745Ellsworth Park1983/1984
Datta N. Manerikar2766Johnson Products1983/1984
Sherry Sala4868Deerbrook Park1983/1984
Geraldine W. Boehm4991McHenry Area1983/1984
Don F. Coleman128Argonne1982/1983
Carl W. Miller2679Abbott Labs1982/1983
Robert F. Happle2745Ellsworth Park1982/1983
Ann S. Breland169Long Grove1981/1982
Datta N. Manerikar1717Park Forest1981/1982
Joshua K. Pang4353Open City1981/1982
Arthur H. Streich1837Alpine1980/1981
Henry H. Sharton2734Pathfinders1977/1978
Datta N. Manerikar1717Park Forest1976/1977
Louis M. Kiriazis3559Sears Silvertones1976/1977
Rudy R. Kostelny3848Strowger1976/1977
Milt Laflen1500Mt. Prospect1975/1976
Joe Operskalski1645Des Plaines1975/1976
Joshua K. Pang3303Broadview1975/1976
J.K. Nath Nayak3559Sears Silvertones1975/1976

Accredited Speakers

The Toastmasters International Accredited Speaker Program is designed for professional speakers who combine expert knowledge in a particular subject with mastery of the spoken word, making them sought-after experts in their respective fields.

2021Sima Dahl
2018Terry Watson
2011Conor Cunneer
2006Johnny Campbell
1984Joe O’Rourke

C&L Award

The Communication and Leadership Award known as the C&L Award is presented by the Toastmasters district to a Non-Toastmasters person in the community who is an outstanding communicator or leader.

An individual who has shown great applied skills of communication & leadership that has helped the community in development, growth or a great successful project. This prestigious award is presented once a year at a major district event.

Year Admin Recipent Organization
2023-2024 2024 Tim Cronin Chief Battalion Chicago Fire Department
2022-2023 2023    
2021-2022 2022 Jeanne Sparrow V103 Radio Personality
2020-2021 2021    
2019-2020 2020 Cheryl Burton WCIU and ABC7 TV Broadcaster
2018-2019 2019 Rubin Agosto Musician, Composer & Performer
2017-2018 2017 Pam Zekman CBS2 Investigation Reporter
2016-2017 2016 Stephen F. Schmidt Police Chief, Elk Grove Village Police
2015-2016 2015    
2014-2015 2014 Wayne Messmer Singer, Chicago Wolves Owner
2013-2014 2013    
2012-2013 2012 Alana McKinney authur
2011-2012 2011 Jerry Rose President and CEO of Living Network
2010-2011 2010 Eugene Siegel Mayor, Village of Chicago Ridge
2009-2010 2009 George Van Dusen Mayor, Village of Skokie
2008-2009 2008 1) Hon. P. Scott Neville, Jr. Appellate Court Justice, State of Illinois
2008-2009 2008 2) Michael Moskow President & CEO, of Federal Reserve Bank – Chicago (retired)
2007-2008 2007 William J. Mueller President of the Village of Lombard
2006-2007 2006 Harry Porterfield ABC7 & News Reporter
2005-2006 2005 Max & Donna Daniels President & Mrs. Lincoln Reinactors
2004-2005 2004 Eric Soderholm Player for Chicago White Sox (Retired)
2003-2004 2003 Terry Hillard Chicago Superintendent of Police (Retired)
2002-2003 2002 Oscar Brown, Jr., & Maggie Brown Music and theater writers, composers, and performers
2001-2002 2001 Felicia Middlebroks Co-anchor, WBBM-AM Newsradio 780’s morning drive program
2000-2001 2000 Jim May Founder and Executive Director, Illnois Stoytelling Festival
1999-2000 1999 Hon. S. Louis Rathje Justice, Supreme Court of Illinois
1998-1999 1998 Hon. Mary Maxwell Thomas Circuit Judge, Cook County
1997-1998 1997 Claire Dixon-Lee, PhD, RRA President, American Health Information Management Assoc.
1996-1997 1996 Lonnie Tyler WLS Radio and Voice of Shadow Traffic
1995-1996 1995 Rick Jakle Pres, Professional Speakers of Illinois & Radio Personallity
1994-1995 1994 Gene McNish IL District President, IL Assoc. of Barbershop Chapters
1993-1994 1993 Brig. General Walter J. Whitfield IL Army National Guard
1992-1993 1992 Chuck Swirsky WGN Radio Sportscaster
1991-1992 1991 Hon. Jacqueline P. Cox Assoc. Judge, Cook County
1990-1991 1990 Hon. Loleta A. Didrickson IL House of Representatives
1989-1990 1989 Thomas Nathaniel Todd Attorney and Community Leader
1988-1989 1988 The Reverend Bob Murfin WMBI Radio Personality
1987-1988 1987 Carl Huffman, DTM Professional Speaker
1985-1986 1986 Hon. Abraham Lincoln Marovitz Federal Judge
1984-1985 1985 Nick Carter VP, Nightengale-Conant Company
1983-1984 1984 William Smithburg Chairman/CEO, Quaker Oats
1982-1983 1983 W. Clement Stone President/CEO, Combined Ins. Co.
1981-1982 1982 Bob Collins WGN Radio Personality
1980-1981 1981 Robert A. Schoelhorn President/CEO, Abbott Labs
1979-1980 1980 Irv Kupcinet Author and Talk Show Host
1978-1979 1979 Bill Kurtis WBBM Newscaster
1977-1978 1978 Geroge Johnson President, Johnson Products
1976-1977 1977 Carol Fox Lyric Opera of Chicago
1975-1976 1976 Addie L. Wyatt Time Woman of the Year (Director of Women’s Affairs – Union)
1974-1975 1975 Jack Mabley Columnist, Chicago Tribune
1973-1974 1974 Hon. James Thompson U.S. Attorney
1972-1973 1973 Dr. Preston Bradley Minister, Peoples Church of Chicago
1971-1972 1972 Floyd Kalber WMAQ Newscaster

Life Achievement

NameDTM Year
Jerry EvansDTM 2024
Keith EssexDTM 2020
Bob RomanDTM 2019
Dietmar WagenhechtDTM 2010
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