D30 24-25 contest season began December 1st.
The Evaluation Speech Contest will begin at the club level and advance through the District level. The evaluation speech contest will have a target speaker. Clubs, areas, divisions need to identify a newer Toastmaster to be a target speaker for the evaluation contest. Contestants present a 2-3min evaluation of the target speaker’s speech.
The International Speech Contest runs every year. It starts at the club level. Contestants present a 5-7 minute speech on a topic of their choice.
Contest winners will advance to the area, division, district level and ultimatley compete at the World Championship of Public Speaking.
You may have to log in to toastmasters.org to access this link for the 24-25 contest rulebook: 1171 Speech Contest Rulebook
Dec 1, 2024-Feb 14, 2025 Club level contests
Feb 15-end of March Area level contests
End of March-April 20 Division level contest
May 2-4 District level contest
Area, division and district contests will compete in-person.
Contest Training for Functionaries
D30 will host the Evaluation and International Speech Contests for 2024-2025. Training for running Area-District D30 contests is open to all members.
Chief Judge training
-Thursday, Jan 9, 5PM
Ballot Counters/Timers
2023-2024 D30 International Speech Contest Winner, Liz Hutson with district leaders!
2023-2024 D30 Humorous Speech Contest Winner, Awanee Pandey!
Winners of the District level International Speech Contest proceed to the Region Quarterfinals and the semi-finals for a chance to take part in the World Championship of Public Speaking.
Updated 5/15/2024